Thursday, March 21, 2013

Registry Race Results

When we originally planned my end of February trip to San Diego, it was to be centered around a nice relaxing camping trip and time with a few friends.  Once the engagement happened, there was suddenly a great need to get as many items crossed off the list as possible while we were in the same city!  And, let me tell you, there was a huge list of things to do.  Connor was SUCH a trooper and we ran all over San Diego (I think we drove over 200 miles in 3 days) completing our tasks.  One of the biggest things I hoped to get done was working on our registry.  I knew that the next time we'd be in the same city long enough to do this would be way too close to the wedding so it was crucial--at least to my wedding planner brain.

Connor and I really are building our home from nothing, unless you count our mismatched college hand-me-down dishes and Ikea pan, so registering was a bit overwhelming at first.  Neither of us has ever furnished an entire home, always using second (or third) hand housewares or living in a furnished home.  Not knowing where we even wanted to register, and hoping to keep it to three locations, we did a walk through of Macy's, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Crate and Barrel, Macy's, and Sears before we narrowed it down to the first three.

I knew Connor would love the clean modern aesthetic of Crate and Barrel so we started there.  Sure enough, he fell in love with a fun set of white square shaped plates and we were on our way!  He informed me that any food looks fancy if its on a square plate and, well, who am I to argue?  As you can see he was a big fan of the scan gun.  I did manage to scan a few things but I left most of the fun to him.

This is a man with a plan

We also successfully "finished" registries at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond which was a huge weight off my mind.  We had a bit of a 'scan now, think later' sort of attitude because of our time crunch.  It was quite handy to go back to the websites and make changes after we had time to think things through.   Target was the only store with an actual 'gun' (major criteria for Connor) but beyond that, all three locations were accommodating, easy to use, and fun.

Registry Race Results According to Megan:
Oddest thing on registry: Rice Cooker.  Connor has lived in a house with one for years and his life won't be complete unless he has one.  My mom looked over the registry and made a comment that there was something that she thought sort of odd but did not say it by name.  I knew it was this.  Later on she mentioned the rice cooker and I had to laugh.  Yes, its odd, but I is His biggest 'want' so I couldn't say no.

Most difficult item to choose: Bedding. We both have such different tastes when it comes to...everything...but this was extra tricky.  He likes neutrals and no pattern.  She likes color, prints, and texture. Went with a nice textured charcoal duvet that we can accent later with other (fun loud) colors and prints.  A nice compromise I think.

Most excited about: KitchenAid Mixer in Cobalt.  I've been the baker in the family since I can remember and I always coveted my mom's stand mixer.  Though Connor was nudging me towards a 50s Sky Blue color, in then end I've settled on a nice Cobalt that makes me smile every time I think about it.
What a beaut'

Longest Analyzation: Who knew coffee makers were so complicated?!  We are very casual coffee drinkers though I very much enjoy tea daily and coffee on the weekends.  We chose a Keurig model but it took us about 20 minutes of comparing to come to that conclusion.  

I have to say, overall, we had a really great experience.  It would have been nice to spread it all out over a few weeks, but I'm so glad we got to do it together.  There was lots of high fiving when we agreed on something and a bit of lobbying when we didn't.  

If we can live our lives high-fiving (and sometimes lobbying) I think we'll be alright.

Did you register for any crazy items?  Did you even register? Who started this tradition anyways (though I feel like I should give THEM a high five)?  How many times a week will Connor cook rice?


  1. I love the Keurig! Make sure you get the charcoal filter thingy and try to only use filtered water, like from a fridge door or britta. It keeps the calcium buildup out of the machine. I miss my rice cooker, Chris has ours in LA---good choice Connor!! :-)

    1. I'm glad it has your stamp of approval! I would not have thought to use filtered water, thats really great to know!
