Friday, March 29, 2013

{distracted} is an understatement

To say that I have been distracted from life around me the past 2 months is a bit of an understatement.  The weeks before Connor proposed, I actually lamented to him that I was a bit bored.  I had run out of 'projects'...and if you know me well, you will know that I always have a few projects in the queue waiting to be completed.  After the proposal though, life went to 125 speeding miles per hour: a wind in my hair, bugs in my teeth, don't even bother stepping on the brakes kind of speed.  All of a sudden, life was all about wedding planning!!  Which was really perfect because this was the ultimate project for me...crafts, organizing, researching, creating, and food!  Woo hoo!!  And my super mom and I jumped right in.  Within 3 weeks we had the church, the hall, caterer, florist, theme, photographer, and honeymoon set.  And its *possible* that I had a secret Pinterest account (this was before they created secret boards!) that was all things wedding that might have helped out a bit with the vision.  After all of that came Engagement Photos in San Diego less than a month after our engagement since I already had a trip planned to see Connor.  And then the photos were done so I was able to design our Save the Dates.  And they were printed really fast so I was able to address and stamp them all tonight.  In two weeks I'll head to Texas where I'll meet up with my mom and future mother in law to dress shop, meet with the caterer, florist Missy, and see the hall.

A huge part of me wishes the wedding was in 2 months instead of 7 months...we are both just ready to get the show on the road.

Of course, in the midst of all of the wedding excitement, Connor and I find out that we will be moving back home to Texas!  This is hugely exciting as I'll be close to my family again for the first time in almost 7 years.  This is hugely terrifying because I'll be changing careers in order to make the move and we'll have very little time to apartment hunt in a brand new city before we make the move.  Jokes on me for complaining about being bored!

Oh, and lets not forget that on top of my regular job, I'm co-designing costumes for a production of Go Dog, Go! at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park.  Its SUCH a fun show and I've loved working with my co-designer but the timing laughable.  I had no idea when I accepted the job last summer that all of this would be happening simultaneously.  Hilarious, really.

And finally, to top it all of with a nice juicy cherry, I'm in the final month of training for the Flying Pig 1/2 Marathon!!  This little training adventure has been such a great experience for me.  Each week that we run a longer distance is just so exciting, to see my pace drop as the miles increase.  I'm shooting for a 9 minute/mile pace (but hoping for a bit faster).  I run once on my own and twice with a running group coordinated by a local Running Equipment Store.  The group runs are pre-planned so I just get to show up and run with  my pace group.  This is my third 9+ mile race but the first one that I'll be truly trained for thanks to the running group.

I will be leaving Cincinnati in late May and Connor will be following behind in mid June.  I'm going to be terribly sad to leave Ohio (words I NEVER thought I'd utter) and I know Connor feels the same way about San Diego.  The one thing getting me through the next 2 months being away from my fiance and facing all of these distractions is knowing that this next move finally brings Connor and I together.  Forever.  foooorrrrreeevvvvvveeerrrr.

Can't. Wait.

Have you ever 'accidentally' overbooked yourself?  Am I insane for running a half marathon in hilly Cincinnati?  Do you have a magic way to move myself and my possessions to Texas for me?  Leave me a comment and let me know!!!

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