I truly cannot believe that I just finished my final training run before my very first Half Marathon this weekend! I had several friends that trained for the Flying Pig Marathon/Half Marathon last year and I was in awe of their accomplishment. After running a 14K (almost 9 miles) in September after only a month's training (see also: not the brightest idea ever), I knew soon after that I was mentally ready to attack a 1/2 myself.
Pre Race: Lynn and I are ready to tackle the Hudepohl 14k, my longest distance ever at that point. (September 2012) |
A big part of my decision to sign up for the 1/2 was my friend Lynn. She ran it last year and she was my inspiration for running the Hudepohl 14k. She had nothing but glowing reviews for the Bob Ronker's Training program so it was an easy choice to begin my journey with them. Bob Ronker's is a local running store that offers coach-led training programs for all kinds of races, especially 1/2 and full marathons. The group meets twice a week, tuesday or wednesday and saturday or sunday, and each run is mapped out and led by coaches for the different pace groups. I found the running group was helpful for several reasons. First, I loved that they had all of my training mapped out. If I attended the group each week and ran once on my own, I knew I'd be ready when race day came. Second, I greatly appreciated the coaching. From being able to ask questions and advice to having someone to follow to keep my pace, the coaching was invaluable for this newbie runner. Finally, I love that I feel part of the running community. I met a wonderful running partner (shout out to Heather!!) and I knew that each time I showed up, I'd be pounding the pavement with a huge group of fellow runners who were going through the same thing. Its such an interesting unspoken community...maybe because for most of us, we are competing against ourselves rather than each other. I'm just as impressed with the runner who can run a 5 minute mile as I am with the run/walker who's biggest goal is to cross the finish line.
Post Race: My first medal and a time much faster than we'd dreamed of! I felt my first runner's high, and I was hooked. |
Half Marathon Training Stats:
I used an App called RunKeeper to log (most) of my runs and its SO amazing to look back and see how far I've come!
January Miles: 37.8
February Miles: 42.6
March Miles: 52.7
April Miles: 69.5
Total Miles: 205.7
The race is this Sunday in lovely (but hilly!!) Cincinnati and I can barely contain my excitement! I've worked my butt off (literally!!) and I. CAN'T. WAIT. TO. RUN. The first 4 miles are relatively flat with the exception of two bridges and then we hit the big up hill climb from 5-9ish. The last few miles are mostly down hill--thank goodness!--and I'll really be able to let my legs fly to the finish.
Half Marathon Goals:
Even though this will be my first race at this distance, I've got some pretty specific goals in mind. I'm pretty insanely competitive with myself so these are the goals I've worked out based off of my training:
Goal A: Finish
---This is sort of a gimme goal for me, but hey, its my first race, so lets go with it!!
Goal B: Finish in 2 hours (9:09/minute pace)
---I think this goal is definitely attainable but it will require a lot of concentration, reserving my energy going up the hilly middle section, and cooperative weather.
Goal C: Finish in under 2 hours
---This is icing on the cake. I may not hit it this race, but I've already been thinking about how I want to improve my time in races in the future!
I'll be back with an update after I fly with the Pig!!
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