Monday, February 18, 2013

T-24 Hours!!

Part 1: An OOPS of Epic Proportions
Part 2: When life gives you lemons...go shopping

Part 3 of this little proposal saga:

My dress is steamed, my nails are polished and glittery, and my bag will soon be packed (because I was informed tonight that I needed an overnight bag!! Eeek!!).  The last week has both flown by and taken an eternity all at the same time.  I still have a day of work to get through but with a belated birthday lunch with my coworkers and some quiet time painting fabric, I have high hopes that the day will go quickly.  As of now, after work I'll come home, get in an easy run (and hopefully blow off some steam!) and get all gussied up.  My roommate asked me if I'd be ok wearing a blindfold in the car which means I'm being taken to a secret location for the big event.  I still have no idea where we'll be going, and really, I don't even care.  I can't wait to see Connor's face, to hug him, to see the beginning of the rest of our lives together unfold.  Apparently, since the great mishap, there have been many changes of plans between Connor and my amazing roommates.  I'm really looking forward to all of the behind the scenes stories, I know they've all worked really hard to make this weekend special for Connor and I.  How lucky am I?!

I've gotten 6 love letters from Connor and I've been told to expect one more tonight, the final installment.  Each has been more adorable and thoughtful than the last.  He told me that the letters came about as a way to make up for the surprise being ruined.  I must admit: now that this is the way things played out, I couldn't be happier.  I will cherish these letters forever, and to think, they almost never were.  I'm also really excited that I get to truly appreciate the events that will transpire this weekend.  Yes, I know that a proposal is coming, Con won't get that shocked look that he was expecting with the previous plan.  But I'll be present in the moment.  (Hopefully) I'll be able to remember each moment and hold it close to my heart.  I've never much liked not knowing what is going on, but with this situation, I know just enough to trust Connor and my roommates and to go with the flow and have fun!

I keep wondering what my reaction will be.  Just thinking about the idea of it makes me get a little teary.  I don't want to try to figure out how its all going to happen, I trust that its in great hands.  Its pretty possible that I'll cry.  I'll definitely laugh, thats for sure.  Will I say a simple "yes" or just nod?  Or play it cool with a "eh, sure"? Or maybe go big and let loose a "HELL YEAH".  Right now, Inner Megan is letting out intermittent squeals of excitement so maybe it will just be an "EEEEEeeeeeeek!"  Whatever comes out of my mouth, in my heart it will be "yes my love, forever".

And the ring...I'm SO curious to see what he picked out.  He knows very well that I have pretty strong feelings towards a modern meets vintage style.  Our personal styles are quite different.  I'm a vintage/eclectic fan and he's all about the clean and modern.  I think there is a place for them to meet and I'm sure he'll find it.  We first looked at rings online in the Fall of 2011.  We looked in stores Spring 2012.  I found only one that I liked but after about 6 months I got a bit cold on it deciding that it just wasn't quite right.  Per his request, I made a secret Pinterest account so I could pin some ring images I really liked to share with him.  There was definitely a theme of leaf motifs and (what I call) a football shape and an oval diamond.  A unique vintage feel but clean and modern, hopefully timeless.  In mid-December I showed him a photo of a beautiful ring with an oval diamond with a leaf motif on the sides.  I told him that its exactly what I wanted.  That specific ring was even custom made in San Diego!  I have no idea where he was in the planning stage of all of this and now I only hope I didn't give him a heart attack a month and a half ago.

I guess this time tomorrow I'll know all of these mysterious questions.  The one thing I do know right now: I'm desperately in love with the man of my dreams and I cannot wait to be his forever.

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